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While many workplaces have become considerably safer over the last century, construction sites are still dangerous. Even with safety rules and regulations, construction workers and pedestrians who pass through construction sites are exposed to serious risks.

When a construction accident hurts you or your family member, you face devastating physical and emotional injuries and never-ending medical bills. When your injuries impair your ability to work, you might not know how you will pay those bills. Fortunately, a local personal injury firm like Fredson Statmore Bitterman, LLC can be a useful resource.

A Woodbridge construction accident lawyer has extensive experience helping people like you. Let us guide you through the legal process and fight to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Common Types of Construction Accidents

A wide range of accidents can occur because people perform so many different types of work at construction sites. Common incidents include:

  • Explosions or fires
  • Accidents involving vehicles
  • Falls from heights, such as ladders, roofs, or scaffolding
  • Electrocutions and electrical shocks from exposed wires and cables
  • Injuries resulting from defective or poorly maintained construction equipment, such as cranes, hoists, and safety equipment
  • Injuries from objects falling on people (although construction workers regularly wear hard hats, those helmets cannot protect their bodies from heavy objects)

Regardless of how a construction accident occurs, a dedicated attorney in Woodbridge Township is committed to helping people understand their legal rights and fight for a fair recovery.

How to Recover Damages After a Construction Worksite Accident

People who experience harm on a construction site could have multiple legal options to consider.

Workers’ Compensation

When the injured person is a construction worker performing their job duties at the time the injury occurred, the first option of legal relief is their employer’s workers’ compensation benefits. Most injured construction workers cannot take legal action by filing suits against their employers. Instead, they can accept workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits would cover their reasonable medical expenses and a portion of their lost wages. Unfortunately, workers’ compensation benefits do not include coverage of non-economic losses and injuries, such as mental anguish and pain and suffering.

Third-Party Claims and Lawsuits

Some construction accidents occur because of the actions of a negligent third party. For instance, when a worker sustains a head injury in a fall because of a defective scaffold and workers’ compensation laws bar them from suing their employer, they might be eligible to sue the scaffolding manufacturer in a third-party lawsuit.

People who do not work at the construction site—such as motorists who get into car accidents while driving through a worksite—can also often file civil suits. Third-party claims and separate lawsuits allow an injured person to pursue non-economic damages.

A Woodbridge lawyer can review the details involved in a particular construction accident and help an injured person determine their best avenue of legal action to pursue.

Speak to a Woodbridge Construction Accident Attorney for Help

No two cases involving construction accidents are exactly the same. A dedicated Woodbridge construction accident lawyer takes a highly individualized and personalized approach to each new case. They could work closely with you to learn how your accident happened and who is legally at fault.

Speak to the team at Fredson Statmore Bitterman today to discuss your legal options. Our law office has the resources and results of a big firm, but takes the time to really get to know you and your case by giving you the accessibility and attention of a small firm.