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Anyone who drives a motor vehicle in New Jersey with a blood alcohol concentration over 0.08 percent or while otherwise impaired by alcohol or drugs is both breaking state law and putting other people on the road with them in harm’s way. With both those things in mind, it almost goes without saying that a person who causes a car crash because they were driving under the influence should be held financially accountable for the crash’s consequences.

In reality, though, recovering fair financial compensation for the effects of a drunk driving car accident in Woodbridge can be more complicated than you might expect, especially if you try to pursue the restitution you deserve all on your own. Fortunately, you have help available from the seasoned car accident attorneys at Fredson Statmore Bitterman, LLC, who will give you small-firm attention while also providing the kind of big-firm resources that will give you the best possible chances of case success.

How Does a DUI Charge Affect a Civil Car Accident Claim?

While someone being charged with or convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in relation to an auto accident in Woodbridge will not automatically make them 100 percent liable for the wreck, courts generally tend to assume drunk drivers are to blame for auto accidents they are involved in unless they are presented with compelling evidence to the contrary. With that in mind, showing that someone else was cited for DUI after a car wreck or proving they were impaired through other evidence like witness testimony and alcohol purchase receipts usually makes for a pretty strong civil claim.

Unfortunately, though, New Jersey has a “no-fault” car insurance system that prevents people with certain types of auto insurance from filing suit over car crashes unless they first exhaust their own insurance coverage and meet specific other criteria. Furthermore, while some states with similar systems carve out drunk driving car accidents as exceptions to these kinds of restrictions, New Jersey is not one of those states, so the at-fault person having been drunk behind the wheel does not allow an injured person to step outside the no-fault rules.

Recovering for Short-Term and Long-Term Losses

If a person injured in a drunk driving car accident in Woodbridge Township has standing to start a civil claim over the incident, they can demand restitution through an ensuing settlement demand or lawsuit for the full value of all their “economic” and “non-economic” losses from the wreck. This essentially means they can seek recovery both for damages with objective financial values and for damages that must be valued based on the injured person’s subjective personal experiences, including things like:

  • Medical bills and car repair costs not already covered by insurance
  • Personal property damage and out-of-pocket expenses related to the wreck, such as rental car fees
  • Lost work income and/or long-term working ability
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and psychological distress
  • Lost quality of life and other effects of permanent disfigurement/disability

Representation from a seasoned auto injury lawyer can be vital to identifying, accurately valuing, and proactively demanding compensation for all losses connected to a specific incident.

Contact a Woodbridge Attorney for Help With a Drunk Driving Car Accident Lawsuit

No auto accident caused by another person’s negligence is an enjoyable experience to go through, and being hurt in a wreck caused by a drunk driver can be uniquely upsetting as well as especially harmful to your financial and personal well-being. Fortunately, you have support available from compassionate legal representatives who can help you maximize the financial restitution you receive through insurance, civil litigation, or a combination of both.

A car accident lawyer from Fredson Statmore Bitterman, LLC can discuss your recovery options with regard to a drunk driving car accident in Woodbridge during a free, confidential consultation. Schedule yours by calling today.