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Personal Injury

Seven Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Every year, an estimated 4 million senior citizens suffer from abuse and/or neglect. Unfortunately, only a fraction of these cases are ever reported. Often, this mistreatment comes at the hands of those who are supposed to provide for them most —...

Bicycle Safety Tips

Cycling is a fun, eco-friendly, and inexpensive way to get around while staying in shape. Unfortunately, the number of bicycle accidents and deaths in New Jersey continues to rise each year. At Fredson Stratmore Bitterman, our team of experienced personal...

The Three Types of Distracted Driving

In the United States of America there are over 3,000 deaths due to distracted driving each year, while personal injuries due to distracted driving are around 400,000 per year. If you get in an accident, it is important that you...

Reasons for the Delayed Onset of Injuries

After an auto accident, it may take a few days for people to become aware that they have become injured. For one thing, when a person is involved in a car accident, adrenaline often spikes. This leads people to not...

What Is a Birth Injury Lawyer?

A birth injury lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in the area of personal injury law regarding injuries to infants (or mothers) during childbirth as the result of medical malpractice. Injuries that birth injury lawyers take on can vary, but...

How Do I Know When I Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Insurance companies have teams of lawyers at their beck and call to start building their case the day you get in an accident or are injured in some other way they may be liable for. To level the playing field,...

What is Whiplash?

Have you ever seen one of those slow-motion videos of a crash dummy contorting during a crash test? Even though it’s just a dummy, it still can be hard to watch how its body gets bent into awkward, painful-looking positions....

New Jersey Car Accident Statistics

New Jersey is not the safest state for drivers. In fact, it has some of the worst drivers in the country, according to an Allstate Insurance Company study. According to the New Jersey Department of Transportation, there were over 270,000...

Understanding the Timeline of Your Personal Injury Claim

One of the first questions people ask us when they start the process of making a personal injury claim is “how long will it take?” Our answer is: “it depends.” There are many different factors that contribute to the timeline...

Injured on the Job? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you get seriously injured at work, there are a number of things you can do to make sure you get the support you need. One of the most important of those might end up being hiring a personal injury attorney....