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Burn injuries can be severe, causing pain and suffering as well as emotional distress. They can also lead to scarring, disfigurement, and even limited mobility. In addition to the physical and emotional trauma of a burn, there are also typically extensive medical bills and lost wages to deal with. Fortunately, there is hope: an experienced catastrophic injury attorney can be a major help in a burn injury victim’s fight for justice.

When you are involved in a burn accident, you want the right firm in your corner – a firm that prides itself on giving clients the personal attention they deserve while also leveraging significant resources to ensure the best chance at justice and financial compensation. A Woodbridge burn injury lawyer provides critical guidance during this difficult time.

The Impact of a Burn Injury

Burn injuries can occur in a variety of ways, including explosions, fires, electrical shocks, chemical spills, auto accidents, workplace accidents, medical negligence, and scalding food or beverages.

Burn injuries range in severity from mild to catastrophic. The most serious cases can result in permanent disability or death. Burns can also lead to lengthy hospital stays, multiple surgeries, infections, lost limbs, excruciating rehabilitation, scarring, disfigurement, chronic physical pain, and enduring emotional trauma.

A burn injury may alter the course of a person’s life forever. Our trusted burn injury attorneys in Woodbridge understand the gravity of these situations and the best ways to seek legal redress. We will listen to understand the ways the event has impacted your life to craft a settlement demand that appropriately addresses your needs and allows you to recover as comfortably as possible.

Burn Injury Lawsuits and Expert Witnesses

A burn injury victim can bring a personal injury lawsuit to hold the responsible party liable and recover damages to compensate them for what they have been through. Generally, due to the statute of limitations, burn injury cases must be started within two years of the injury. Depending on how the burn occurred, these cases involve various legal theories, including:

  • Negligence – caused by defendant’s carelessness
  • Strict liability – defendant liable even if not careless
  • Workplace liability – injury happened in the workplace
  • Product liability – injury was caused by a defective product
  • Premises liability – injury happened on someone else’s property

Because of the highly complex nature of burn injury lawsuits, the skilled use of expert witnesses can sometimes make all the difference in securing a successful outcome. As part of a lawsuit, the parties can retain experts in complicated areas that are relevant to the case but which laypeople generally do not know much about (such as engineering, automotive technology, or medicine). These expert witnesses come to court to help explain things to the jury. Our Woodbridge attorneys who have extensive experience working with expert witnesses, and have the financial resources to bring qualified and respected experts on board as part of the team.

Damages in a Burn Injury Lawsuit

Depending on the details of the case, people who experience burn injuries can recover a variety of damages in a successful lawsuit filed by a Woodbridge attorney. This includes:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Damage to personal property
  • Mental anguish and psychological trauma
  • Mobility aids, prosthetics, and more

If the defendant did something malicious, the victim might also be entitled to punitive damages. Punitive damages are designed to punish the defendant for that egregious misconduct. However, these kinds of damages are rare and only awarded in extreme cases.

Call a Woodbridge Burn Injury Attorney for Help Today

Burn injuries are among the most devastating injuries anyone can suffer. By holding the responsible party or parties accountable for the wrongful conduct that caused the burn injury – and providing monetary damages to help make the injured person whole – a burn injury lawsuit can be a key part of moving forward and rebuilding one’s life.

When you suffer a burn injury, a dedicated Woodbridge burn injury lawyer can help explain the legal process and evaluate what options and damages might apply. Call Fredson Statmore Bitterman, LLC today for a free consultation.