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The spinal cord relays messages from the body to the brain and vice versa. Traumatic blows to the spinal cord can result in a variety of injuries, spanning from temporary loss of function of a body part to permanent paralysis. A person’s quality of life can be dramatically reduced because spinal cord injuries may affect their independence, finances, and much more.

When you sustain this type of catastrophic harm due to someone else’s actions or inactions, it is important to seek legal guidance from an experienced attorney who can help you understand your options for moving forward. An empathetic and accessible Piscataway spinal cord injury lawyer from Fredson Statmore Bitterman, LLC can help you hold the responsible parties accountable for your injuries as well as help you seek compensation for your losses.

Causes and Effects of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries may be due to traumatic or non-traumatic causes. Traumatic injuries are typically the result of blunt trauma to the back or neck that causes a bruised, fractured, or severed spinal cord. Some of the most common causes of traumatic spinal cord injuries include car, truck, and motorcycle wrecks, pedestrian accidents, slips and falls, violent crimes, and sports injuries. Non-traumatic injuries are those caused by medical conditions like arthritis or stroke as well as diseases such as cancer or spina bifida.

People usually assume that spinal cord injuries result in the loss of limbs or total paralysis below the neck. However, other effects are possible depending on the location and severity of the spinal cord injury including:

  • Uncontrollable muscle spasms
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of sensation
  • Persistent pain
  • Partial or whole loss of movement to a limb or area of the body

Many victims of spinal cord injuries also have mental and emotional issues because their lifestyles and relationships can completely change. When someone else’s actions are the cause of these losses, our Piscataway spinal cord injury attorneys can assist you in filing a claim to bring you compensation for all of the ways your injury has and will impact your life.

Filing a Lawsuit for Spinal Cord Injuries

Multiple parties could be held responsible for someone’s spinal cord injuries depending on the details of the event. For example, after an auto wreck, potential liable parties could include the at fault driver for breaking traffic laws, a vehicle manufacturer for defective auto parts, or a government entity for poor road conditions. In any instance, to have a successful claim, an injured person bears the burden of establishing negligence. This entails proving that the defendant or defendants owed them a duty of care that was broken and that due to this violation, an accident and injuries occurred.

Evidence is essential to prove that a party was negligent. Evidence can include medical reports, expert witness statements, surveillance footage, police reports, and more. Our trusted Piscataway spinal cord injury attorneys can carefully collect and investigate all available evidence surrounding an accident to determine its cause and who should be held responsible for the losses, as well as present a convincing argument to the insurance company or judge that the defendant is at fault.

Contact a Piscataway Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer From our Firm

Spinal cord injuries can be terrifying and overwhelming to deal with on their own without the added stress of figuring out what steps to take next or what legal options you may have. A Piscataway spinal cord injury lawyer from Fredson Statmore Bitterman, LLC can help alleviate some of this stress for you and serve as a caring legal advocate to protect your legal rights and best interests. Schedule a consultation as soon as possible.