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Most people love dogs—and for good reasons. Most dogs are loyal and devoted companion animals. Perhaps that is why it is so difficult for people to understand that dog bites can be serious events with lifelong injuries. Some people might even shame you for seeking compensation after a dog attack because it is so difficult for them to grasp how damaging a dog bite can be.

If you have been injured because of a bite, it only makes sense for the owner to take financial responsibility. A Clark dog bite lawyer from Fredson Statmore Bitterman, LLC can help you seek compensation—and justice. Reach out today to discuss pursuing a personal injury claim with a dedicated attorney.

Severity of Dog Bites

Even the most timid-looking lapdog is descended from wolves, and few people would consider a wolf attack something minor. Many people do not know that the selective breeding that led to such variety in dogs actually made many breeds much more dangerous than wolves. Wolves have a bite force of around 400 PSI. Many dogs exceed that force, with the Kangal having almost 750 PSI—placing it closer to a lion than a wolf in terms of bite force.

Fortunately, Kangals are unlikely to bite people. First, they are a rare breed. Second, they do not have a reputation for unprovoked attacks. However, do not assume that bite force is proportionate to the size of a dog. While the average mid-size or large dog has a bite force of around 235 PSI, tiny Chihuahuas still have a bite force of around 100 PSI, which is close to the bite force of an adult human. With their small size and quick speed, even a little dog can do tremendous damage when they bite—especially if the victim is a child. A dog bite lawyer in Clark can help a person who has sustained harm in an animal attack understand what steps to take next.

Dog Bites and Strict Liability

New Jersey Statutes Annotated § 4:19-16 outlines the state’s approach to liability in dog bite incidents. Owners are liable for any bites to people who are in public places or lawfully in private places—including the owner’s property—without regard to the dog’s history of viciousness or the owner’s knowledge of viciousness.

A person does not have to be a guest to be lawfully on a property. They can be there with express or implied invitation or when performing official duties. Trespassers are not lawfully on the property and do not qualify for any civil claim, though there may be exceptions if the trespassers are children.

The dog owner can use several defenses to try to evade responsibility, such as claiming the injured person provoked or injured the dog. A Clark dog bite attorney can review the facts of a case and advise potential clients about the likelihood of success of any defenses.

Dog Bites Can Cause Serious Injuries

Dog attacks can lead to immediate, severe medical consequences, including puncture wounds, lacerations, broken bones, neck and back injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and soft tissue damage.

They may also cause long-term secondary damage. Victims can develop infections and may need to be treated for exposure to rabies. Dog bites can impact muscle usage, leading to the development of strain and stress in other parts of the system. Dog bites to the face may cause lifelong disfigurement and require multiple reconstructive surgeries to remedy.

Additionally, these bites are often linked to trauma. Animal lovers may find themselves suddenly afraid of dogs—including their pets. For some victims, the fear is generalized to all animals. It can have a devastating impact on a person’s well-being and ability to socialize in a dog-friendly world. A Clark dog bite attorney can review these impacts to ensure any settlement or reward amount adequately reflects the full extent of an injured person’s losses.

Talk to a Clark Dog Bite Attorney

While New Jersey is a strict liability state, this does not mean it is easy to prevail in a dog bite case. Proving liability may be accessible, but proving damages can be complex. Plus, since most dog bites come from known dogs, it can be awkward to negotiate compensation with friends or family members.

Having a Clark dog bite lawyer handle your case is one way to ensure you get the best possible outcome to your situation. They are familiar with the lifelong costs associated with dog bites and can seek compensatory damages sufficient for that treatment. They can also negotiate with the dog owner’s insurance company, allowing you to preserve those relationships if you choose to do so. Do not hesitate, reach out today to get started.