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People often take their ability to move how they want for granted. If something happened and you suddenly lost mobility or the ability to feel in part of your body, your whole lifestyle has probably changed. You might need assistance getting through your daily routine, need to modify your home or move, and face costly medical bills due to your medical procedures and care.

Fortunately, a Clark paralysis injury lawyer can help you as you approach the new challenges in your life. If you believe that someone else’s negligence or intentional misconduct led to your paralysis, the catastrophic injury attorneys at Fredson Statmore Bitterman, LLC can help you pursue justice in a personal injury lawsuit.

Causes of Paralysis Injuries

Paralysis can occur for several different reasons.

When Paralysis Occurs for a Medical Reason

Some people become paralyzed over time due to a progressive medical condition, such as multiple sclerosis or ALS. Other people experience acute medical events, such as strokes, that result in paralysis. Sadly, while it can be life-altering for people who experience paralysis due to a medical condition, there is generally no cause of legal action available.

When Paralysis Occurs Because of Someone Else’s Actions

When someone sustains a paralyzing injury because of another person or entity’s actions, they might have grounds to pursue a legal claim against the responsible party. Civil lawsuits involving paralysis injuries frequently occur when someone experiences harm in the following ways:

  • Car, truck, and motorcycle wrecks
  • Sporting and recreational accidents
  • Defective or dangerous product accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Falls from heights
  • Workplace injuries, such as construction site accidents
  • Medical malpractice, such as birth injuries or surgical mistakes
  • Intentional violent acts, such as shootings, domestic assaults, or stabbings

Our skilled Clark paralysis injury attorneys can carefully investigate the incident to learn exactly what happened. We can search for evidence and proof, pinpointing and identifying the person or entity responsible for causing the harm, and use that evidence to build a solid claim for compensation.

Potential Recoverable Damages

Paralysis injuries are significantly expensive. Unlike most other injuries that heal over time, most people with paralyzing injuries face lifelong struggles. The medical costs can also be staggering and continue throughout the patient’s life. People might need hospital stays, surgeries, medical supplies, medication, and physical therapy. Many people with paralysis injuries are unable to return to their same line of work, and some people are unable to work at all, resulting in lost income, loss of benefits, and lost lifetime earnings.

In addition, paralysis injuries frequently result in non-economic damages, which are intangible losses. People with paralysis experience pain and suffering, mental anguish, diminished enjoyment of life, and other types of struggles.

A compassionate and seasoned Clark attorney can meet with a paralysis injury survivor to learn how the injury has affected their life and work determinedly to maximize their possible compensation.

Call a Clark Paralysis Injury Attorney for Caring Legal Guidance

Paralysis injuries are traumatic and life-altering. With the assistance of experienced legal counsel, you could begin healing physically, emotionally, and financially.

Call a dedicated Clark paralysis injury lawyer today who can offer you the advice you need to move forward. Set up a free consultation with Fredson Statmore Bitterman, LLC to discuss planning a course of action.