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Forklifts are used to perform a variety of jobs in a wide range of industries like manufacturing, warehousing, construction, transportation, and much, much more. With this in mind, it is no surprise that forklift accidents are one of the leading causes of injury in the United States.

Poor maintenance, reckless operation, and a lack of safety standards can all lead to forklift accident injuries, and when they do, it is important that the individual injured by a forklift accident recover the financial compensation that they need and deserve.

At The Law Office of Fredson Statmore Bitterman, our construction accident attorneys have extensive experience recovering compensation. Call our office to discuss your incident, your options for recovering compensation, and how exactly we can help you to do so in a free and confidential consultation with a Bloomfield forklift accident lawyer today.

Forklift Accidents and Personal Injury Claims

In order for an individual to file a personal injury claim for injuries resulting from a forklift accident, that individual cannot be an employee of the company which was operating the forklift. Such an individual would instead need to file a workers’ compensation claim.

On the other hand, if you are not an employee of the company operating the forklift, whether you were performing work duties or not, if you were injured in a forklift accident as a result of the reckless or negligent actions of another party, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, and physical and emotional pain and suffering through a personal injury claim.

As with any kind of injury claim, having the counsel of an experienced Bloomfield attorney on your side during the process can help you to avoid many of the common pitfalls injured parties make during the claims process, gather and present compelling evidence to the insurance companies and the courts if necessary, and ultimately help you to resolve your forklift accident claim in an effective, fair, and accurate manner.

Winning a Forklift Injury Case

In order for your forklift accident claim to be successful, you and your Bloomfield attorney will need to demonstrate and prove several key components:

  • A Forklift accident occurred when, how, and where you say it did.
  • This forklift accident directly lead to the injuries you suffered.
  • The forklift accident was the result of the reckless or negligent actions of another person or party(s).

While these steps seem fairly straightforward, the process of proving them to the insurance company or a court if necessary can often be anything but.  Additionally, due to the severe nature of many forklift injuries, it is critical that you do not accept a settlement for less than what your injuries are worth. This means working with not only an attorney, but medical experts and financial consultants as well in order to get an accurate as possible picture of your damages, and what you need in terms of financial compensation.

Speak with a Bloomfield Forklift Accident Attorney Now

Call our firm to discuss your legal options with a dedicated Bloomfield forklift accident lawyer today.