Trucks Responsible For Many Serious Accidents In US
Accidents involving trucks are pretty common in New Jersey and throughout the United States. Truck accidents can be very dangerous due to the size and weight of the trucks involved in the crash.
Truck drivers and companies can be held responsible for accidents, especially if someone is severely injured or killed. Truck drivers are supposed to be properly educated and certified before driving a commercial vehicle. However, some truck drivers don’t have enough experience, education or they are driving unsafe vehicles. All of these factors increase the risk of a truck accident and put everyone on the road at risk.
The dangers of trucks have been researched by many organizations. A new study recently found that large trucks are involved in 11 percent of fatal accidents in the U.S. This is surprising and highlights the risks trucks pose as they only make up eight percent of traffic on U.S. highways.
The study’s report that trucks cause roughly 4,500 fatalities every year in the country is shocking and shows just how hazardous trucks can be on the road. Longer combination trucks were the most likely to be involved in a severe accident. This is due to the driver having a restricted view on the right side of their truck.
Trucking accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including weather, unsafe drivers, vehicle malfunctions and dangerous driving behaviors by other drivers. Regardless of the reason for truck accidents, it appears that trucks are involved in many severe traffic accidents in the country.
Drivers should be aware of the dangers of driving near large trucks, especially at high speeds like when they are on the highway. Large trucks can cause significant damage and injuries if they are in a crash with another vehicle. That is why truck drivers and truck companies need to make sure they are staying safe behind the wheel and doing everything they can to prevent an accident.
Source: Science Daily, “Trucks a Significant Cause of Severe Accidents, Study Finds,” Dec. 5, 2013